Back in June, the MSD Germany headquarters in the Macherei in Munich was awarded the coveted WELL Gold certification. This award from the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) promotes a targeted commitment to improving the well-being and health of building users. MSD Germany is thus one of the first companies in Germany and the first in Bavaria to receive this award.

“The sole aim of Well certification is to positively influence the comfort, health and well-being of users through the design of buildings and interiors. This is exactly what the Employee Experience is all about. We want to create an inclusive environment for our diverse employees in which they all feel very comfortable. We set ourselves this high standard because it makes us more creative and productive. At the same time, we increase our attractiveness for future talent”​, explains Wolfgang Stenger, Employee Experience Lead & Inclusion Officer, MSD Deutschland.

As an accredited specialist, Ramona Schuster accompanied the WELL certification on behalf of Hoinka: “In addition to the planning and structural aspects, operational and personnel-related issues also play a decisive role. The challenge is to prepare the requirements for the building as well as for facility management and human resources in accordance with the WELL guidelines and to document them continuously during operation.“

Dr. Roman Wagner, Managing Director of W+P workspace consulting, brought the participants together and managed the intensive process: “WELL certification is an ongoing process that must be repeated regularly. This is the only way to ensure continuous improvement of processes and standards. Regular on-site appointments, extensive measurements and intensive documentation ensure high quality for health and well-being in the office.

The whole team at W+P workspace consulting congratulates on this award!
We wish all employees at MSD a great new working experience!

You can find more information about our certification partner HOINKA here: www.hoinka,com
Our customer: MSD – Medikamente und Impfstoffe – Gesundheit für alle